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We have a total of 325 Math tutors registered here at Tutor Hunt. Our tutors can teach in-person or through our interactive whiteboard. You can book online Math tutors through our lesson scheduling system. We offer local Math teachers who can also provide online tuition if you do not wish to travel. Start searching for your perfect Math tutor today!
325 Math Tutors
I am interested in working as a math tutor for TutorGrade in Hamilton. I consider myself to have a passion for math. This anecdote is indicative of my potential as a m...
I have a master`s in Biomedical Engineering with experience teaching kids and adult students as a Teaching Assitant.
I am comfortable teaching all math`s and scien...
Math (Adult Learner, Elementary, High School and College / University)
$19 - $37.5
/ hr
I want to make you love mathematics like ABC. Mathematics have always been my favourite subjects and I want to share my tricks to better understand theories with some...
I am a self motivated and dynamic individual with deep interest and enthusiasm to undertake challenging tasks; Creative and open minded with passion for acquisiti...
Passionate about teaching.
Biology, Chemistry, Computing, English, Math and Physics (College / University and High School)
/ hr
I am an engineering student at the University of Waterloo offering Math, Science, Coding, and French tutoring to students of all ages.
Math (Adult Learner, Kindergarten, Elementary, High School and College / University)
$50 - $56.25
/ hr
I have graduated in Electrical and Computer Engineering from BCIT. I have passion in learning math, physics and electrical circuits. I am an experienced tutor and I wi...
Vancouver, British Columbia
Business, Economics, English, Exercise and Fitness and Math (College / University, Adult Learner, Kindergarten, Elementary and High School)
/ hr
Graduate student in business with a strong background in writing, finance, and mathematics.
Hi! I`m a second year university Honours Physics Student at the University of Waterloo. Outside of physics, I enjoy reading, writing, and cooking.
I have taught math and physics at a senior high level for ten years. I have worked with other teachers to improve numeracy in their practice. I love helping youth atta...
British Columbia
Biology, Communication Skills and Math (High School, Adult Learner and Elementary)
$56.25 - $68.75
/ hr
I love teaching and finding the right way to help people understand ideas.
British Columbia
Bachelor`s degree in Economics and Statistics at the University of Nairobi, Kenya.
I have been in teaching line for 20 years. I can teach Math and Physics for High school students from Grade 8 to 12 and also for IB Diploma students.
I have internat...
Economics and Math (College / University, Adult Learner, Elementary and High School)
$37.5 - $50
/ hr
I am graduate student of Simon Fraser University majoring in Economics at MA level. I am passionate about tutoring, teaching, and interacting with students to help the...
Vancouver, British Columbia
Chemistry and Math (Elementary, High School, College / University and Adult Learner)
/ hr
I am very hardworking with effective communication skills, strong organization and management skills as well as team-working skills.
Greater Sudbury, Ontario
I have a bachelor degree in physics. I value learning together with my students. I believe in the power of practicing rather than lecturing.
I am graduated from the Trades College degree of Paris (France) in 2003 with and have 10 years experience tutoring French, Grammar, Math, Sciences and French literatur...
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13