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We have a total of 28 German tutors registered here at Tutor Hunt. Our tutors can teach in-person or through our interactive whiteboard. You can book online German tutors through our lesson scheduling system. We offer local German teachers who can also provide online tuition if you do not wish to travel. Start searching for your perfect German tutor today!
28 German Tutors
German (Kindergarten, Elementary, High School, College / University and Adult Learner)
$37.5 - $56.25
/ hr
I am 29 years old and have been in Canada for 14 years. I was born and raised in berlin, Germany. I speak, read and write German perfectly and English as well. I have...
Accounting, Business, Economics, English, German and IELTS (Adult Learner, Kindergarten, Elementary, High School and College / University)
$25 - $37.5
/ hr
My name is Nadine, I`m from Switzerland and my native language is German. I love to have contact with people. I`m a very patient person and like to teach others.
Basic IT Skills and German (Kindergarten, Elementary, High School, College / University and Adult Learner)
$37.5 - $62.5
/ hr
I`m originally from Switzerland and live with my Wife in Gravenhurst, Muskoka, right now.
German is my mother tongue.
Muskoka, Ontario
Ancient History, Geography, German and Math (College / University, Adult Learner, Kindergarten, Elementary and High School)
$25 - $50
/ hr
Experienced and detail-oriented researcher with a demonstrated history of project management, researching, editing, and writing complex materials in a clear and concis...
British Columbia
German (College / University, Adult Learner, Kindergarten, Elementary and High School)
/ hr
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at my Profile and having an interest in me teaching you my beautiful native language. I am a German native speaker with a Ma...
British Columbia
English, French and German (High School, College / University, High School, Adult Learner, Elementary and Elementary)
/ hr
I come from France. I study Economics and German at McGill University, in Montreal. I speak English, French, and German, and am willing to be a tutor for people learni...
Montréal, Quebec
German (Kindergarten, Elementary, High School, College / University and Adult Learner)
/ hr
I am a transplanted German journalist and translator on Canadian soil, with a degree in German Linguistics and History and 5 years of tutoring experience. I work with...
German (College / University, Adult Learner, Kindergarten, Elementary and High School)
$43.75 - $56.25
/ hr
Due to my love for languages and German being my favourite one , I teach German to school going children and aspirants moving to Germany, also conducting workshops at...
I am a proficient German tutor with 4 years teaching experience.I work well with students at beginners and intermediate levels.
British Columbia
German (Kindergarten, Elementary, High School and College / University)
$19 - $43.75
/ hr
Half German/Russian
Native Language
British Columbia
Experienced German teacher working daily with this language
Nova Scotia
I am very enthusiastic about foreign languages, and I have special interest in German language. I learnt it since 2011 and I have consistently improved my proficiency....
French and German (Kindergarten, Adult Learner, Elementary and High School)
$37.5 - $62.5
/ hr
I am a friendly, outgoing, positive and internationally oriented person who loves learning and teaching languages. I am a dual Canadian-German citizen fluent in Englis...
British Columbia
I am passionate about getting helping people ahead. I am patient person but never loose sight of the set goal
I find it very rewarding to see others succeed by helpi...
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13