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We have a total of 194 English tutors registered here at Tutor Hunt. Our tutors can teach in-person or through our interactive whiteboard. You can book online English tutors through our lesson scheduling system. We offer local English teachers who can also provide online tuition if you do not wish to travel. Start searching for your perfect English tutor today!
194 English Tutors
Hi, Im a 17 years old girl from Québec in Canada. French is my native language but i can also speak english. I study online to finish high school which makes me avail...
Capitale-nationale, Quebec
I am a communications and rhetoric student at The University of Winnipeg who is working towards being a journalist. I have completed one year of Creative Communication...
Beausejour, Manitoba
Database, English, Microsoft Access, MySQL and SQL (Kindergarten, Elementary, High School, College / University and Adult Learner)
/ hr
I am interested in Math since I was in School and I always love teaching Math
Biology, Chemistry, Computing, English, Math and Physics (Kindergarten, Elementary, High School and Adult Learner)
/ hr
I am an engineering student at the University of Waterloo offering Math, Science, Coding, and French tutoring to students of all ages.
Business, Economics, English, Exercise and Fitness and Math (College / University, Adult Learner, Kindergarten, Elementary and High School)
/ hr
Graduate student in business with a strong background in writing, finance, and mathematics.
Hi! I`m a second year university Honours Physics Student at the University of Waterloo. Outside of physics, I enjoy reading, writing, and cooking.
I am a graduate of University of Nairobi in Bachelor of Education, Mathematics and Economics. Passionate about training.
English (Kindergarten, Elementary, High School, College / University and Adult Learner)
$25 - $62.5
/ hr
I have taught Senior English for 11 years abroad, and for 9 years in Australia. Expert in teaching Grammar and writing, but over the course of 20 years, I have success...
Teaching is the only career I`ve ever wanted. Tutoring is an even better niche of that because I have more opportunity to get to know my student. You need to study to...
EFL, English and Spanish (Adult Learner, High School, College / University and Adult Learner)
/ hr
My background is in teaching English, I have 7 years of experience in different educative centres, now I am looking for new opportunities to develop my knowledge and e...
Capitale-nationale, Quebec
I am a Master of Teaching (Secondary) student at The University of Melbourne. I achieved an ATAR of 97.75. I am an Abernathy scholar with the Faculty of Business and E...
French/English speaking Canadian professional Saxophone player easy to talk to.
Jovial Saxphoniste professionel Canadien francophone bilingue.
English (Kindergarten, Elementary, High School, College / University and Adult Learner)
$19 - $21.25
/ hr
I am a TEFL certified teacher.
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13