Tutor GradeSubjectsAccounting Tutors
Rates summary: $43.75 to $62.50 per hour
Kindergarten | Elementary | High School | College / University | Adult Learner | |
Accounting | - | - | $43.75 | $43.75 | $50 |
Business | - | - | $43.75 | $43.75 | $50 |
Business Skills | - | - | - | - | $62.50 |
Law | - | - | $50 | $50 | $50 |
Psychology | - | - | - | $43.75 | - |
Tennis | - | - | - | - | $50 |
Related Links: Accounting Tutors, Business Skills Lessons, Law Tutors, Psychology Tutors, Tennis Lessons
Information about Jeff
I am a lawyer and MBA graduate in Toronto with strong business skills. I am well equipped to tutor accounting and other business-related courses.
Availability: Flexible. Weekdays.
Willing to travel: 5 miles
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